Erin + Bruce

It’s been a little bit since I’ve had this dear family in front of my camera but their energy hasn’t changed a bit! When I’m photographing younger children, I usually let them run around the area to help them explore and this time was no different-even with Truman being 8! He and Bruce christened the space with their wrestling practice for a few minutes while Erin and I got a chance to catch up with one another-it was perfect.

Truman’s goal for our time together was not to show his teeth, but I think I snuck in a few much to his chagrin ;)

Oh Truman-we miss seeing you and your parents at preschool drop off every day! I know that life has some extra zest because of you.

Erin + Bruce : It was so good to see you guys! Laidy misses Truman so she was a little jealous I got to see you all and she didn’t. ;) I hope you have a great school year and hope to see you for Halloween!



PS You can view the rest of our time together HERE.