
Voted 'Most Likely to Succeed' in his senior class this year, Colby is set for big things. Though he plans to follow his parents' footsteps and become a Panther at University of Northern Iowa, everyone recognizes that he will steer his own path and become his own man. A servant at heart, he is usually at school helping in the choir room tech department as long as teachers are in the building. His parents are also highly involved in our district's music boosters (especially in media:video taping and taking pictures) so, for them to ask me to take his senior portraits was already a huge compliment. The fact that they like what we got during his session is an even bigger one!

We started at Lake Aquahbi where Colby and his Boy Scout Troop had several events in their years together.

Colby's best Michael Jackson impression since show choir did a Jackson performance last year...

Next, we drove into downtown Des Moines and found back alley-ways, one of which was covered in ivy-gorgeous lighting!

We also found this awesome wall and the sun had set enough to be below the buildings, so we got some great color. Colby's show choir experience produced some great expressions and poses-essentially he knew how to work a camera without me prompting . . .

Now, I know that the typical senior portraits show a pose with railroad tracks, but I tried to make them look a least a little different than typical. I don't have a huge experience with senior portrature posing because my own senior picture experience was in a studio alone-not outdoors at all. This set of tracks had some gorgeous lighting and a clean backdrop-no cars or street lights to clutter it up...
I think this is when Colby started in on the Johnny Cash music. :)

Colby, I know you can probably achieve anything you set your sights to do. Good luck in all your endeavors at UNI-you have an incredible support system here at home, it's practically your own cheer squad! And I know that your faith in God will guide you well. Many blessings on your family and your future!