Bianca + Ben = Levi + Celia

Just as this family started to grow, Gerard & I started going to another church service time and Bible study, so I've pretty much watched Levi & Celia be born and grow up on Facebook. Not literally, but you know what I mean...A beautiful family, Ben has been honing his own photography skills and those photos have been my main source of lovingly "creeping" this family on Facebook. So, when Bianca asked me to do their family photos for their annual Christmas card, I was beyond honored to meet that need.

Now, I realize these are pretty late in coming since these were taken well before Christmas, but Bianca had another request. Since these were going to be gifts for their families, she asked that they stay secret until after the holidays. I was happy to oblige since I got to hang out with some of the cutest kiddos ever.

Without further adieu:
Ben & Bianca: Thank you so much for having me! I really appreciate your support and trust, especially Ben as a fellow photog and Bianca...I admire you greatly. Allowing me to photograph your children is the largest compliment you could ever give.  From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU.

You can view the rest of the session HERE.