Alyvia, Jude, Ben & Brody

In my previous post, I mentioned that I love getting a referral. Well, I also love when a family returns to me, whether they have a new addition to the family or not. To me, that says that they liked the photos they received in our previous session together and they trust me with their children. Their confidence in me is a huge compliment that never grows old. My families are also starting to come up with props or ideas that they'd like to try before meeting with me for our session together and that helps steer us in the right direction as well. For this session, on the off chance that we'd get a sprinkle of rain, I quickly purchased two umbrellas, not knowing what the kiddos would be wearing and if they'd match or not, but grace was on our side! They worked perfectly and Alyvia, 7, is becoming more and more of a model everyday.

I don't normally mess with colors very much in the editing process, but when Mama Lindsay requested that just pink show, I had to help a girl out!
When there are leaves on the ground, one must throw at least a few...

Jude was up next in batting order and though it was difficult for us to get him to crack a smile, we did ekk out one!
Little Ben brought up the rear, wearing an adorable hat that Mom picked out with all her style and flair. Though I know that my Grandpa wore hats like this, I can totally see these making a comeback with models like this little one showing them off!
Lindsay and Brian came back to me this year with an adorable addition, Brody, who looks exactly like his Papa.
Once the more difficult work of individual shots was done, we had to let them run off some steam:
We also had to do some bribing with the umbrellas to get just a few more smiles out of them. an umbrella protection from precipitation or a weapon...we let Ben decide. For just a few minutes.
What a great bunch!
Brian & Lindsay: It was, again, a fun honor to photograph your little ones! They are such great models for me and do so well in the hour that we have together. I look forward to watching them grow!