Ellie : 18months

It's so funny to me that this family books an hour with me when we usually get the smiles we need within the first 15 minutes from sweet Ellie. Her newborn session will stick with me forever because her parents shaped her nursery to celebrate Adventure and what an adventure life is!! This little girl explored, discovered, discussed everything around her with Mom and Dad during our time together. I merely had to wait for the right moments to occur to grab those smiles and hilarious expressions of which 18month olds have such a monopoly. 

Ellie, I know parenting is an adventure and for your parents, it's clearly a joyous one 98% of the time! Thank you, sweet girl for so much fun this morning...

That last photo above...I die! It reminds me of that recent photo floating through Facebook that shows a Women's Restroom sign, where it looks like a woman wearing a dress, but the type below the image says that it's actually a cape. Ellie's Cheep Cheep and Lovie Blankie are her accessories to every adventure. Especially when Lovie can be turned into a cape! 

And since it only makes sense because she's the daughter of a running Mama, Ellie loved to run and give flowers to Steph. And then run some more: 

Steph + Andy: Thank you so much for the joy of documenting your family where things as simple as stopping and smelling the lilacs gleans awesome images. You two are wonderful at what you do and what you are doing with Ellie. Keep up the good work and I'm excited to see you when she's TWO!



PS You can view more of our time together HERE.