
So hard to believe this little man is TWO!! As is quite common at any child's two year session, even with my daughter's, they want to run and move and play. And have the occasional drive-by swipe of a fruit snack from Mama's hand...the first photo below is case in point: it was such a drive by that Roman's hand is the only thing in focus! :) 

Sticks, snacks and on the run!! But you know what? If that's what gets the ear-to-ear grins and helps us document this age, then that's what we do!!

Next trick of the trade? Put fruit snacks in his pockets so that while he's digging for them, it looks like he's putting his hands in his pockets as a pose and then we get to capture the reverie of him finding the snack in his pocket for a reward! Mama Deanne was so instrumental and helpful for this while I crouched poised and ready: 

Deanne + Roman: Thank you so much for a fun morning and a great work out!! I had a blast watching Roman on the go-still can't believe this is the infant that we held in our hands in 2015! 

Can't wait to see what the next year holds, 


PS You can view the rest of our time together HERE